Home safety tips are important for multiple reasons. First let me say that no repair project is worth getting hurt over. If you don't have the time to do a project in a safe way, then you don't have time to do it at all!! Like anything else, working safely involves certain skills. You need to pay attention and learn what you need to, in order to work safely.
Never operate tools, get on a ladder or do anything else in your home without knowing the dangers and the precautions you need to take. It doesn't take any longer to work safely. Do you know how long a trip to the emergency room takes? No, good, don't find out. You don't want to get seriously hurt?
This website is all about taking a realistic approach to fixing and repairing things in your home. Part of that 'reality' is that Accidents Can and Do Happen, be careful, take precautions. Learning some home safety tips is just using common sense.
In 2002 there were more than two and one half million serious accidents in homes around the United States. For just falls alone there were more than 55,000 accidents that involved serious injury. These are injuries in homes, not on construction sites. Do you really want to be a part of those kind of statistics?
This website, however is not a comprehensive safety manual. What we have done is mention a few common problems to watch for. Additionally we have provided links to other resources that can provide you with specific guidelines. Take the time to check out the resources before you attempt a project that you not sure about.
It has been said that in the early nineteen hundreds there was a life lost for every floor of each skyscraper built in New York City. When that fact caught the public awareness, standards were implemented. In 1930 when the 102 story Empire State Building was constructed only five construction workers were killed. Still not a great number, but a definite improvement over previous buildings.
The point is that safety standards and practices do prevent accidents and save lives. Get on board!
Finding Information on Home Safety Tips
The Home Safety Council has a great website that has a wealth of information on home safety tips. Check it out by following the link, Home Safety Council. Make sure you follow the links and find the topic you are dealing with. Remember, this is important stuff, don't get hurt.
The National Safety Council is another good website, with numerous articles on home safety. Use the Safety at Home button and then go to Resources. There is some good information on falls. The Fact Sheets for Safety at Home have some good printable articles. Safe use of hand tools, electrical safety and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) are just a few.
On construction sites it is a common practice to do a Task Hazard Analysis before starting an activity. In this analysis the potential dangers are identified and then the preventative steps to be taken are outlined. A similar practice at the home level is a good idea. Going to use a ladder? Where will you set it? How will you secure it? Could I fall from it when I reach for something? Good questions all, ask them first and prevent an accident.
In the competition for top causes of accidents, falls rank very high. A good home safety tip is to make sure that you are protected from falls. Using ladders when needed instead of climbing on the furniture is a good idea. Using ladders properly is a must. Do not stand on the top step, make sure the ladder is set up properly. Extension ladders should be set at the proper angle and tied off at the top to prevent them from sliding sideways. Check the ratings of your ladders and do not overload them.
Use of hand and power tools is another way to get injured. Check the manual or go on line to get safe practices for the tool you are using. Never take guards off the tool and use tools that are damaged. Make sure the cords are in good condition. Where eye and hand protection when using tools. Small flying objects can damage an eye in an instant.
Electricity Safety Tips
Develop a healthy respect for electricity. When working outdoors or around water use gfci protected outlets for your extension cords. Turn the power off before working on any electrical device. Practice lock out tag out when working on electricity. Just turning the switch off might work for a light fixture, but if someone inadvertently flips the switch, you will get shocked. Put a piece of tape over the switch and leave a note. The same would hold true of breakers. Spend a few dollars and get an electrical tester. Even though you turned a light switch off, it does not necessarily mean that there is no power in the box it is attached to. Check the wires with a tester before working on them. Make sure you understand how electrical devices should be wired before you hook them up. Follow the link above for more information.
Home Safety Using Common Sense
The thing not to do is think that an accident will never happen to you. Some sobering facts are that a three to four people are killed every hour and fifteen people are seriously injured every minute in the United States from home accidents. Don't be one of those numbers. Make sure you are up to date on some good home safety tips.
A lot of the time, being safe goes hand in hand with common sense. Some simple safe practices will go a long way toward making all of your home repair projects injury free. Keep your home safety tips in a file and review them before starting a project.
Home Safety Articles
Below you will find other articles on home safety. The categories will help you to narrow down your search. We hope you find what you need and are able to solve your repair problem in a safe manner.
Electricity Safety Tips - Some safety guidelines to follow when you are working around electricity.