
Garbage Disposals

garbage-disposal-odor-pic1Do you have a 'Stinky Garbage Disposal? Don't feel bad, it is a common problem. What is better is that you can fix the problem without too much trouble.

The kitchen is where the food is prepared and having foul odors is the last thing we want. There are things that can be done to prevent odors and smells, most of them very simple. There are other things that can be done once odors have developed.

Why we get garbage disposal odor is not much of a mystery. The garbage disposal performs a less than glamorous task. Grinding up unwanted food and kitchen waste. It is effective at getting rid of these items, but there is a dark side.

When food rots, it smells. Food that gets left over inside of the disposal is going to rot and eventually smell. Proper usage and periodic maintenance will likely eliminate the problems. You don't have to live with foul smells.

A Stinky Garbage Disposal - The Issues

What Can You Save? - This is not something that you would normally call someone for. If you did, it would likely be a service call, between $50 and $75. The odor can be a bother, fortunately there are easy ways to take care of it.

How Hard Could It Be? - dealing with a stinky garbage disposal is not a hard job at all. These repairs will have a Difficulty Level of: Simple. These repairs require a Skill Level of: Total Novice. For and explanation of the terms in this section, see 'How to Use This Site'.

Check the Simple Things! - This is already a fairly simple problem. See the information below for the best practices in dealing with this unwanted odors. For other garbage disposal issues, see 'Repairing a Garbage Disposal', for more information.

What Can Go Wrong? - Not dealing with this problem in a timely way can lead to deeply entrenched odors. When this happens they will be harder to get rid of. Nothing worse than going to prepare a meal and you have a bad smell in the kitchen.

Causes of Garbage Disposal Odor

garbage-disposal-odor-pic2The cause of garbage disposal odor should not be a mystery. The purpose of a disposal gives it away.

Rotting food smells and bad smells from the disposal mean rotten food. The garbage disposal grinds up food waste. Odors come from food waste that has not been washed down the drain.


It may seem like good economic sense to shut off the water as soon as the food is ground up. However, this may leave food on the sides of the disposal that later begin to rot.

The rubber baffle is another place that food waste can collect, especially the under side of it. The water does not rinse it and the grinding action of the disposal throws bits of food up onto it that stick to the baffle.

In addition, the garbage disposal has other nooks and crannies that food can stick to. When these bits and pieces of food start to rot, you get odor.

The amount of food and the length of time will affect how much odor. Make it a practice to run water after the food is ground up. See the section below on proper garbage disposal maintenance.

Commercial Cleaners


If a 'commercial garbage disposal cleaner' does not appeal to you, there are other options. One would be to clean the garbage disposal manually with old fashioned soap and water.

This an effective but low tech method. Before you begin make sure that power to the disposal is off. Don't just trust the switch, unplug it or shut the breaker off.

You will need a stiff brush with a long handle and a smaller brush to clean the rubber baffle. An old tooth brush will work for the smaller brush. Mix some dish detergent with warm water and scrub the inside of the disposal thoroughly with the long handled brush. Make sure the sides of the disposal are cleaned thoroughly. Try to get the brush up under the rim and scrub that area as well.

Many garbage disposals have a fixed baffle that cannot be removed. Flip back the rubber and scrub the underside with the small brush. Continue pulling up the baffle until you have the entire underside cleaned.

Scrub the grinding cutters and bottom plate with the long handled brush. Try to move it around and get the perimeter completely cleaned. The cutters move around so make sure they are clean. This method requires a little elbow grease to accomplish. You have the satisfaction of knowing you are doing a thorough job.

After you are done with the brush, plug the disposal back in. Run first warm water and then cold water through it with the disposal running. Repeat the process if you are still getting odor.

Scrubbing a Garbage Disposal

If a 'commercial garbage disposal cleaner' does not appeal to you, there are other options. One would be to clean the garbage disposal manually with old fashioned soap and water.

This an effective but low tech method. Before you begin make sure that power to the disposal is off. Don't just trust the switch, unplug it or shut the breaker off.

You will need a stiff brush with a long handle and a smaller brush to clean the rubber baffle. An old tooth brush will work for the smaller brush. Mix some dish detergent with warm water and scrub the inside of the disposal thoroughly with the long handled brush. Make sure the sides of the disposal are cleaned thoroughly. Try to get the brush up under the rim and scrub that area as well.

Many garbage disposals have a fixed baffle that cannot be removed. Flip back the rubber and scrub the underside with the small brush. Continue pulling up the baffle until you have the entire underside cleaned.

Scrub the grinding cutters and bottom plate with the long handled brush. Try to move it around and get the perimeter completely cleaned. The cutters move around so make sure they are clean. This method requires a little elbow grease to accomplish. You have the satisfaction of knowing you are doing a thorough job.

After you are done with the brush, plug the disposal back in. Run first warm water and then cold water through it with the disposal running. Repeat the process if you are still getting odor.

Home Remedies for a Stinky Garbage Disposal

garbage-disposal-odor-pic3This article covers a couple of home remedies for removing garbage disposal odors, stink and smells. Neither of these costs much and will work if the odors are not too severe.

Do not use bleach or bleach based products to get rid of odor. Your disposal has several rubber seals that may be damaged by the bleach.


Bleach can also react with other chemicals and create dangerous fumes. Other methods are just as effective and not as dangerous.

Lemons and Ice

One popular method for eliminating odor is to cut a lemon into quarters and put them in the disposal along with a couple of big handfuls of ice. Grind up the ice and lemons for several seconds and then let set.

Run the disposal with warm water to finish grinding up the lemons and ice. Run plenty of water down the disposal. Repeat this process as needed or every few weeks to keep your disposal lemony fresh. This will prevent you from having a stinky garbage disposal in the future.

Oxy Clean

garbage-disposal-odor-pic4Another thing to try, would be using a oxygen based cleaner like Oxy Clean. This cleaner is fairly safe and bio degradable.

With a little water it will produce a foam that will also kill odors. Another suggestion is to dump excess water with Oxy Clean in it down your disposal. Make this a habit and your odor problems will be reduced.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

One other home remedy is to use a liberal amount of baking soda and a cup of vinegar. This is natural odor killing solution. Allow it to foam up and stand in your garbage disposal for 15 - 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly while running the disposal. Repeat this process as needed until the odor is gone.

 Using Commercial Cleaners

 There are several commercial garbage disposal cleaners available. They all claim to solve all your odor and cleaning problems.

For a complete discussion on 'Cleaning a Garbage Disposal' and the products that can be purchased to accomplish it, follow this link. Regular cleaning can eliminate a stinky garbage disposal problem.

Garbage Disposal Maintenance

Garbage disposal maintenance does not need to sound ominous. Caution with certain material and a lot of water are mostly all that is needed.

I had a disposal that would clog every time you put a lot of raw vegetable material in it. The fibers would bind up into a tight ball inside the drain. The obvious solution would be to throw material like that away. Or to grind it up slowly with a lot of water.

Run plenty of water down your disposal. This will help to wash away food particles that can later decay. Let the water run after all of the food has been ground up. You can also pull the rubber strainer out and rinse the disposal out with the spray attachment on your faucet.

Plenty of water and some occasional disinfectant and your disposal will always smell sweet.

Stinky Garbage Disposal – Summary

In this article we covered the main cause fro a stinky garbage disposal, decaying food. We also talked about some things you can do without spending a lot of money to rid yourself of the smell.

We covered some methods for removing the smell and provided a link to an article on giving your disposal a professional cleaning. Lastly, we talked about some preventative maintenance and good practices that you can do on a regular basis.

garbage-disposal-clog-pic1What could be worse than a garbage disposal clog. The idea behind a kitchen sink is to keep the dishes clean. A clogged sink works against that. The other part of the problem is that you probably put a lot of food waste in it before you knew it was clogged. Could be a little messy. You have the skills to fix it, don't despair.

For related information see the articles 'Troubleshooting Garbage Disposal Problems' and 'Sink Drain Plumbing Problems'.

What can you do to solve this problem? Take a look at the evaluations and the steps below for guidance. See if this is something you want to try and fix yourself. In the last step there are some guidelines for avoiding a clog in the future.

Before you proceed you will need to determine where and what your problem is. Is the disposal jammed? Is it the disposal drain or the sink drain that is clogged? The information below has everything you need to take care of a garbage disposal clog.

Fixing a Garbage Disposal Clog - Information

What Can You Save?

Unclogging a garbage disposal should be a service call. Around $50 to $75. Of course if the technician just finished his up selling course he may try to convince of the wisdom in replacing the unit. Could be upwards of two hundred dollars if he is successful.

How Hard Could It Be?

Most of the time you have to take the drain apart to get the clog out. This is a little more challenging than just using a plunger.

These repairs will have a Difficulty Level of: A Bit of Work
These repairs require a Skill Level of: Handyman
For and explanation of the terms in this section, see 'How to Use This Site'.

Check the Simple Things!

Is the unit running? Or is the power off? Check the plug, GFCI and breaker in that order. A jammed unit may not drain. Make sure the unit is turning freely before you tear the drain apart.

What Can Go Wrong?

A sink full of dirty water could wind up all over the floor. Have a pail ready if you take the drain apart. Taking apart the drain will render the sink unusable, so make sure you are in a position to get it back together.

Troubleshooting Disposal Clogs


You begin troubleshooting disposal clogs by a process of elimination. There is just a short section between your disposal and the sink drain. Yes certain types of food waste can clog this location. See below for narrowing down your problem.

You can get a garbage disposal clog in two ways. One you get a clog in the unit itself. This is usually taken care of when you turn the unit on. Try that first, run the disposal and see if the water goes down. Yes, boy that was easy. No? I know you probably already thought of running the unit. It just runs and the water doesn't go anywhere. You definitely have a clog.

Is the garbage disposal jammed? Are you getting that loud electrical sound when you turn the switch on? Yes, well you have a different problem. Go to the article 'Fixing a Jammed Garbage Disposal', to find out about this problem. Once you free up the motor the water will likely drain down.

The next question you have to answer is whether the water is backed up in both sinks? Yes, this means that the sink drain is clogged and not the garbage disposal. Go to the article 'Fixing a Clogged Sink Drain', for the correct information. The problem is similar, but at a different location in the drain.

Is it only the sink that has the disposal attached? Yes, then the problem is probably between the disposal outlet and the tee in the drain where the two sink drains connect together. Your garbage disposal has clogged the drain. See the information below for the instructions on dealing with this problem.

WARNING!! Keep Your Fingers Out of the Disposal!!! Turn the Power Off Before Working On It!!! WARNING!!!

Plunging a Garbage Disposal


Plunging a garbage disposal is usually not a good idea. For a clog in the drain that won't go away when the unit is turned on, you cannot generate enough pressure.

Plungers work by creating pressure against the clog. Since the disposal has blades and a turntable in the way it tends to diffuse the pressure created by the plunger. Either that or garbage disposal clogs are harder to free up than other clogs. The plunger is certainly worth a try, since it is easier than the alternative.

A word of caution here. It is possible to blow the fittings on the drain apart with a plunger. If that happens you will have a mess on your hands. Clean the area out under the sink and have a pail in place under the drain. Keep some rags handy for any splashing that may occur.

Make sure you have enough water in the sink to cover the base of the plunger. Make sure the plunger is seated and then push down quickly and firmly. Give it a several good tries to see if you can break the clog free. It worked? Great, you have taken care of your garbage disposal clog. No? Bummer, go to Step Three for further instructions.

Checking the Disposal Drain


Checking a disposal drain is the first place to look for a clog. There is a tailpiece that is attached to the disposal and a waste arm that connects it to the sink drain. This short section of pipe is where the problem will be.

Before you do anything you will need to examine your sink drain. Is it white or black plastic? Yes, that is good news from a repair point of view. The plastic is easier to work with. Is it brass or chrome metal? Yes, not so good.

For a sink drain that is metal you will need to examine it to see how bad of shape it is in. Does is look corroded? Does it look like it will fall apart when you touch it? Yes? You probably need to think about replacing some or all of the drain parts. Don't get too upset, they are not that expensive.

Make a list of what you think you need. If you go to a home supply store you may find kits that deal with your situation. A word of caution. The kits always seem to be short a nut and washer. Buy a couple extra ones at the same time. For a drain that is not exposed to view plastic is the way to go.

garbage-disposal-clog-pic4For more information on working with sink drains you want to see the article 'Sink Drain Plumbing'. This article will give you tips and tricks for cutting, tightening and checking your drains.

Make sure the power is turned off to the disposal before you work on it. With a pair of adjustable pliers you want to loosen the nuts on the tailpiece for the disposal.

The tailpiece may be attached to the disposal via a plate that has screws holding it in place. Loosen the screws. make sure you have a pail under the drain to catch the water. Loosen the fittings enough to let the water drain out. Let it drain completely before proceeding.

garbage-disposal-clog-pic5After the water has drained out you should be able to remove the tail piece and the pipe that leads to the tee. Do you see the clog? Take a stick and clean out the clog. Into the trash is a likely choice. With the clog removed you can put the drain back together. Install the existing or new pieces as required. Tighten the fittings snugly and then try the disposal. Run water down it gingerly until you are sure it is draining correctly.

The disposal is running and the water is going down? Great, you are done fixing this garbage disposal clog. Checking a disposal drain did not turn out to be that difficult.



Garbage disposal maintenance does not need to sound ominous. Caution with certain material and a lot of water are mostly all that is needed.

I had a disposal that would clog every time you put a lot of raw vegetable material in it. The fibers would bind up into a tight ball inside the drain. The obvious solution would be to throw material like that away. Or to grind it up slowly with a lot of water.

Any material that you know will give your disposal trouble should be fed in slowly with a lot of water. The more water the better. Let the water run for several seconds after the disposal is done grinding. This will help to flush out the pipes after each use.


Newer heavy duty units have two stage grinding capabilities and are less prone to clogging. They grind the food up finer, so that it flushes through drain better. Replacing you garbage disposal is an option but usually not a necessity.


Hopefully you were able to take care of your problem in a half an hour or so. Maybe you had to buy a few parts. Not too expensive I hope. You may have been among the fortunate few that succeeded with a plunger. I never could get a plunger to work. I just gave up after a while.

Worst case is that you took a look at your disposal and decided that it was beyond hope. Even replacing a garbage disposal is not that hard. With your garbage disposal clog gone you can now move on to other rewarding pursuits.

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